Obtaining SSD Benefits For Children With Cancer
Being diagnosed with a serious disease is a difficult event to process. This is especially true for parents in New York who just found out that their child has cancer. Many thoughts begin to form, concerns emerge and heavy emotions begin to appear. Parents are not only dealing with the news that is difficult to digest, but they are also calculating the costs associated with medical treatment and care.Much like adults with serious and terminal diseases, children with cancer are afforded Social Security disability benefits.
While young children have not been able to earn work credits for Social Security Disability Insurance or SSDI, there are other programs and options for children to receive the financial support and benefits they need and require.Every year, thousands of people under the age of 20 are diagnosed with cancer. Even more so, the leading cause of death-related deaths for children is cancer. Thus, it is important that young residents battling cancer have options when the disease is disabling and the child's parents need help with the additional costs associated with caring for a loved one with cancer.
While a child cannot receive SSD benefits based on paying Social Security taxes and earning work credits, a child could seek benefits through Supplemental Security Income or SSI. This program is designed to pay benefits to those with limited income and resources.In order to receive SSI benefits, an application must be placed. The Social Security Administration will initiate the process to determine if a child has a qualifying disease. If a child is approved, he or she will receive benefits so long as these requirements are met.
Those seeking SSD benefits due to a serious and disabling disease should understand their rights. Benefits are available to those who qualify, thus, it is important to understand what steps you need to take to recover these benefits.Source: Kokomoperspective.com, "Social Security covers children battling cancer," Charo Boyd, accessed May 18, 2017.
I just wanted to let you know how happy I was with the job that Maggie Langdale did in getting me approved for SSDI and maybe more importantly, not having to have a review for another 5-7 years! Now I can concentrate more on my health, especially with the added benefit of Medicare next December.
Maggie went out of her way explaining every step of the process and answering all my questions on the phone or immediately after I emailed her. We reviewed all my answers to the lengthy paperwork and made several important changes. I would definitely advise anyone to use Maggie and your law firm!