Scammers Preying On Direct Express Card Holders, Ssa Warns

As we have written about in the past and as many disability benefits recipients know, the Social Security Administration has made all benefits payments electronic. While many were easily able to adapt to this change by utilizing the direct deposit option, those who do not have a bank account were given Direct Express cards. The Direct Express card is similar to a debit card but allows people without bank accounts to still collect their benefits. Unfortunately, the SSA recently announced that some Direct Express holders have been victimized by scammers.According to the SSA, some Direct Express holders have received text messages that instruct them to verify their cards due to an "internal error." Cardholders are told to call a phone number and provide all of their card information, including the number, expiration date, and PIN.The SSA has instructed Direct Express holders to not respond to such a text if they get one. The agency added that if a benefits recipient notices anything strange in their account, such as a transaction they did not complete, the cardholder should contact Direct Express to determine the problem.Many people in New York and across the country rely on the Security disability benefits and other federal benefits they receive each month to make ends meet. Unfortunately, some people prey on these individuals, attempting to take away what little they have. Hopefully, the SSA will continue to find ways to prevent scams like this from occurring. In the meantime, do not give away any of your information unless you are sure you are giving it to the right people.Source: KWQC, "Social Security Administration Warns Of Texting Scam," Jeff Whitten, July 16, 201
I just wanted to let you know how happy I was with the job that Maggie Langdale did in getting me approved for SSDI and maybe more importantly, not having to have a review for another 5-7 years! Now I can concentrate more on my health, especially with the added benefit of Medicare next December.
Maggie went out of her way explaining every step of the process and answering all my questions on the phone or immediately after I emailed her. We reviewed all my answers to the lengthy paperwork and made several important changes. I would definitely advise anyone to use Maggie and your law firm!