Should I Sign Forms And Questionnaires Sent By The Insurance Carrier Or Speak To Their Investigators?
If you are represented by Terry Katz & Associates, PC and you receive phone calls, visits, or questionnaires from the carrier or their investigators, you should immediately indicate to them that you are represented by our firm and refer them to our office. Remember that while some examiners or adjusters from the carrier may be friendly, they are certainly not your friend. Their job is to limit the amount of money that is paid out on your claim.
It has been many years and so many rejections on from Social Security regarding SSDI.
One month after hiring Terry Katz & Associates, P.C., and the fabulous help of Lawyer Maggie Langdale, Esq., and Paralegal Jenny Pagan, I finally successfully won SSDI.
I am so very grateful Maggie Langdale and Jenny Pagan.
They are truly my Angels.