What Is Social Security Disability In New York?
The Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program (sometimes called simply Social Security Disability, or SSD), pays monthly benefits to people who are unable to work because they have a medical condition. This condition must --
- Be expected to last for at least a year, or
- Be expected to result in death.
In some cases, benefits may be paid to members of the worker’s family.
In New York, as in all states, you must have worked and paid Social Security taxes to be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits. Social Security uses formulas to see if you are eligible based on how long you worked, how recently you worked, and your age.
Social Security must also find that you are totally disabled according to their definition of disability before you can receive benefits.
If you are eligible, then you will continue to receive monthly benefits as long as you are still too disabled to work. From time to time, Social Security will review your eligibility to see if you have improved enough to be able to go back to work.
This is Rickey Price, I want to say thank you to Terry Katz & Assoc for the fine work they put in pertaining to my cases, from the beginning when it didn't look so bright they stood by me, from Worker's Comp to my Disability case all was worth the wait and I give them 5 star service all around the board.