New York attorneys help those seeking Workers' Compensation

Seeking Workers’ Compensation

Just about any worker in New York can be injured on the job. Some jobs, such as those in the construction or manufacturing industries, are inherently dangerous as they often entail working with heavy machinery or working at great heights. However, even office workers could be injured at work. For example, an office worker could strain his or her back lifting a heavy box or he or she could develop a repetitive stress injury by having to spend many hours in front of a computer typing.No matter how an injury at work happens, it is good to know that under New York law, nearly all employers are required to provide injured employees with workers' compensation benefits, if the employee is injured at work. Unfortunately, many initial claims for benefits are denied.In fact, according to a 2007 report, 23 percent of claims for workers' compensation benefits are initially denied. This is bad news for workers who have been injured and cannot work, as they may be suffering financially during a time when they should be able to focus on regaining their health.Therefore, if a person is injured at work and seeking workers' compensation benefits, it can help to have legal assistance from the get-go to improve their chances for approval. For example, the legal team at Terry Kratz & Associates, PC, has over two decades of assisting clients who are seeking workers' compensation benefits. They will prepare and file their clients' claims for benefits, and provide representation starting from the initial filing all the way through litigation if that is what it takes to succeed. They can also help clients contest a denial of benefits if necessary.When a person is injured on the job, workers' compensation benefits are the financial lifeline they need to make ends meet until they can return to work. Seeking these benefits though is not always as easy as it may seem. As a result, it is important to secure legal assistance when applying for workers' compensation benefits.

Terry Katz, Esq.
Terry Katz, Esq., miembro fundador de la firma, se ocupa de todos los aspectos de los casos de compensación laboral y discapacidad del Seguro Social.
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Nuestros abogados de compensación laboral atienden a clientes en todo Nueva York, incluidos: Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island, Long Island, Condado de Nassau, y condado de Suffolk.

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(516) 997-0997